Sunday, November 1, 2015

What are emotions?

Emotions, as we seem to relate to them even in the 21st century, as we need to establish the groundwork for an attitude meant to colonize the rest of the Universe, seem to be revered as some kind of mystery and sacred force not to be questioned.

Religious fanatics are emotional degenerates, in the sense they are not aware of what emotions are made up of: Electro-chemical impulses.

We are in an age where illegal drugs show us, through their chaotic usage and mayhem, how neuroplasticity is real, and how one can be made to love taking a substance one second, or hate taking another.

There is no mystery, no sacret, emotions are just messengers created to sustain our survival through countless generations subjected to darwinian selection pressures.

They can be modified at will if we so want, and want we should.

The well being of 7 billion people on the planet cannot be ruled by emotions that were fit for when we were in caves and almost animals.

They are inadequate, obselete.

New Cartesianism strives to modify and adjust human emotions through science and technology to make them fit for this new reality of necessary coldness and order needed to create a Billion Years of Neoc rule.

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