Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Manifesto of the Neoc Movement

  • The present social and economic order is far removed from the realities of the Universe and this creates the misery now on display throughout the World.
  • Time is running short to heal and resolve all the issues, and the longer we wait, the harsher will the decisions to make have to be.
  • It is important to get to the root of all the current environmental, economic and social problems.
  • For that purpose the New Cartesian Movement wants to present a comprehensive strategy for living and finding Harmony and Peace for all human beings with a simple set of rules and knowledge of a few basic realities.

It has been quite the Journey to bring to me to this place where finally I can share all the thoughts and ideas and galvanize something akin to a Movement.

Not a Party, not an Organization, but something almost spontaneous that is needed as a reaction to the putrid horrors that are a certain kind of religious fanaticism that threatens everything we cherish in what we call Civilization and Evolution.

The New Cartesian Movement is a raw core of beliefs gathered from what Humanity's Evolution has uncovered in a set of Truths about the World, The Universe, and what Life truly is.

As I am the only one now with a deep amount of beliefs that were given to me since my teenage years by this solid reference in my own personal struggles, I want a large audience to reflect and believe, and follow the need to create a truly New Order of an Entity that will last a long time to come to perpetuate Harmony and Peace.

We know there are Two opposite rules in this Universe, above all its physical laws:
  1. Competition
  2. Cooperation
Competition is the complement of Cooperation. One cannot exist without the other.

It is the AND complementing OR. Whereas any complex system needs a lot of things AND that AND this AND that... to work, competition selects this OR that OR this...

We can therefore see the tapestry of intertwined Competition and Cooperation everywhere we look, from the corporations where the employees COOPERATE between each other so the higher organization can COMPETE with others, to countries where citizens cooperate so in a war the homeland can fight another adversary, to pop references like the Survivor game where contestants form alliances and switch sides.

There is therefore a sort of continuum between a state of pure cooperation on one hand and a state of pure competition, and this spectrum has a greater injection of the mix between the 2 from one end to the other.

And therefore there is a Balance Point between Competition and Cooperation. It will always exist as Competition cannot exist without Cooperation and vice versa.

But there is also Two sides to the Universe:
  1. The Immaterial
  2. The Physical
What if we could push that Balance Point between Competition and Cooperation away from the Physical into the Immaterial?

Wouldn't a World without Wars, Destruction and Frictions be possible? at the expense of that Competition taking place inside the Immaterial?

An Analogy would be a meteorologist predicting a massive Hurricane allowing people to evacuate the area in danger.

What happened? a Competition of Ideas arose in the Immaterial i.e Human Brain thinking, and this Competition averted physical harm.

One could choose not to do this Competition of Ideas and therefore see it happen in the Physical World, as Destruction and Friction.

Likewise observing a heroin addict mess up their lives would inspire one to imagine the same happening to themselves, and therefore not try the deadly toxin. Or they could chose not to imagine it and instead try it for real.

The above examples show that favoring Competition in the Immaterial, as we could call it the Word of Ideas, is the same as favoring the same in the Physical World.

So what could we do as rational human beings conclude from this?

Well that it is possible to strive to get all Wars and Conflicts to happen in the World of Ideas, thus creating a Physical World devoid of such destruction.

This is my motivation for this, this is my motivation to change the outlook of a few of you reading this so maybe a snowball effect can take place where the Movement can thrive.

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