I decided upon a few examples to carry out the power of understanding not only AND and OR as operations that can define systems, be it a country, movement or person,
For example the outcome of a war is simply:
c'i = citizen of country 1 with population n
c''i = citizen of country 2 with population m
War between the 2 countries will be:
(c'1 and c'2 and c'3... and c'n) OR (c''1 and c''2 and c''3... and c''m)
Each country needs all the AND to hold.
A body is made up of cells and competition between people to get a job can be expressed as:
(person1-cell1 and person1-cell2.. and person1-celln) OR (person2-cell1 and person2-cell2.. and person2-cellm)
Basically any system can be approximated in this way.
AND defines a system that is negated by a single point of failure, which segments it with an OR.
OR is the separator between different sets of elements that are connected by AND.
If you think about this you will realize all things in the Universe can be defined as a huge formula or AND and ORs at any point in time, which then produces a new formula.
Quantum mechanics is part of this interpretation but always failed at the macroscopic level, where approximations rule together with probabilities.
Thinking this way about everything that surrounds us and the Universe is how a Neoc should always think.
Life is the maximization of ANDs, to create a harmonious world where there is no competition, no war and no destruction,
Those shall happen in the immaterial world.